Geovital grounding strap for T98 shielding color
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The Grounding band is essential when using the T98 Alpha shielding paint to shield and form a Faraday cage. The Grounding band is used to connect the highly conductive painted shielding surface with the grounding of the socket or the radiator (heater).
Carrying out a Grounding with the Grounding band

Grounding of the EMF shielding colour T98
In accordance with the applicable EU regulations, all surfaces must be grounded by a qualified electrician. This is also required by insurance companies.
Installation of the Grounding band
The Grounding band is ideally applied directly to the wall after the first coat of T98 Alpha shielding paint has dried. In the second coat, the Grounding band is painted over with the shielding paint and, once dry, connected to the grounding (socket and/or heating radiator) by the electrician.
In the case of heating radiators, please have the grounding checked by an electrician first. Many houses have poor grounding of the heating system due to their construction or age. In this case, the grounding is done via the water to the boiler.

Sticking the Grounding band above the base
It is also possible to apply the Grounding band only after the second coat of paint. In this case, the entire Grounding band must be painted over again with the shielding paint to ensure full contact with the painted wall surfaces.
This is easy to do and can be done by the occupant of the house.
Grounding is not only a regulation, but primarily serves to effectively dissipate low-frequency current fields (EM). This prevents electrosmog from the cables laid in the walls.